Learning Lab Definitions: Discernment (Viveka)

“We do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.” -Rabbi Shemuel ben Nachmani as quoted in the Talmudic tractate Berakot (55b).

The practices and methods in yoga allow us to examine in granular detail what is truth and untruth. That is to say, to parse apart authentically who we are, and that which we need to unlearn and undo. The undoing is so that we can see beyond the veil of the self that has been created. An established sadhana allows us capacity and strength so that we can be with the veils and remove them so that we are no longer blocked from our True Nature. Discernment (viveka) is one of the vital methods of coming to the state of truth and samadhi. On it’s deeper level (viveka khyati), discernment brings us to such clarity that we operate from intuitive wisdom.

In my opinion, defensiveness and projection are the two main blocks in preventing us from realizing our essence. Defensiveness is usually a reaction to feeling criticized and/or attacked and stems from unprocessed shame. It is the opposite of growth as it denies responsibility or curiosity. Like defensiveness, projection is a defense mechanism stemming from the ego. And, it also blocks one from taking responsibility by blaming others: society, family of origin, a partner, past experiences, current circumstances, etc.

Once we begin to feel safe in our own bodies, trusting that our structure, our breath and our nervous system can hold us - even through looking at our darkest shadowed-selves - we create positive and re-assuring reference points. We begin to build capacity to hold all parts of our Self. To do this, we must slow down so that we can check-in with those parts of our Self that have been exiled, bring them to consciousness and allow them to integrate in our being. This is where dedication to our sadhana is critical, for it’s so easy to get caught up in the egoic smorgasbord of distractions offered in the external world. Here is where we use discernment

We are spectacularly diverse and nuanced organisms, us humans. Being able to bear witness and hold space for the myriad changing states within our body is mind is one of the greatest gifts we can give to our Self and to the world. It’s a way to celebrate Us!


Learning Lab Definitions: Samadhi